Lawyers specialized in Public and Regulatory Law
Advice to private companies and entities
- We advise private companies and entities in their relations with the Administrations in matters such as: processing of various authorizations and concessions for the use of public domain goods; sanctioning or compulsory expropriation proceedings; administrative and contentious-administrative appeals, including proceedings involving Public Authority’s liability.
Legal management of infrastructure
- Legal advice on proceedings related to roads, airport, port and railway infrastructures, water and waste treatment; hospitals; residential buildings; shopping malls; etc., including matters related to urban planning law.
Advice to Administrations and Public Entities - Public Procurement
- Legal advice in Public and Regulatory Law. Support on matters related the organization and operation of public bodies, professional associations, the provision of public services or the possible management models for public-private partnerships.
- Renowned experts in Contentious-Administrative litigation related to claims brought by contractors against the Administration.
- Legal advice to Public Administrations and entities on drafting tender specifications, public biddings, award and execution of contracts, as well as planning and organization of public-private management models and their financing scheme -tolls, fees-.
- Legal advice to private entities, assisting on the different stages of the bidding process, and the drafting and execution of the contract awarded through a tender.
Antitrust Law
We have lawyers specialized in antitrust law, with an extensive knowledge of the regulation and a wide experience in advising on the development of your strategy in antitrust law, as well as in proceedings before regulatory bodies. We advise our clients in the different areas of antitrust law:
- Abuse of dominance.
- Merger control.
- Claims for damages arising from antitrust infringements.
- State aids.
- Preventive advice on antitrust matters and compliance programs.
Experts in regulated sectors
- Legal advice in Public and Regulatory Law in sectors such as energy (electricity, gas, hydrocarbons, hydrogen), life sciences (experts in the medical and pharmaceutical fields, with special focus on matters related to medicine distribution and the legal regime of retail pharmacies), biocides and chemicals, gambling, food and agriculture, etc.
Public Administration
- Expert advice in all aspects of the relationship between the Public Administration and its personnel: admission (competitive examinations and entrance requirements), professional promotion, incompatibilities, administrative and disciplinary procedures, and issues related to interim personnel, both civil servants and personnel under administrative status.
Ordinary compulsory expropriations:
We advise on expropriations for the execution of public infrastructure:
- Legal assistance during the preliminary and occupancy deeds at the Town Hall, verifying the correct fixing of the preliminary deposit and compensation for rapid occupation.
- Drafting of the appraisal sheet, based on the methodology used in the appraisal of the assets and rights as well as the damages to be compensated, with the collaboration of appraisal companies.
- Appeal for reconsideration before the Provincial Jury of Forced Expropriation or equivalent regional valuation body.
- Contentious-Administrative Appeal before the High Court of Justice to obtain a favourable judgement in favour of our claim for compensation.
Expropriations for urban planning reasons:
Forced expropriations for urban planning reasons, which are motivated by the execution of general planning determinations, require special advice.
Our public law and expropriation lawyers provide services such as:
- Drafting of the appraisal sheet, with the collaboration of the appraiser, for presentation in the joint appraisal project.
- Appeal for reconsideration against the decision of the appraisal body of the Autonomous Community.
- Contentious-Administrative Appeal before the High Court of Justice to obtain a favourable judgement in favour of our valuation claim.
Contact our lawyers specialized in Public and Regulatory Law
Our expert lawyers in Public and Regulatory Law respond to complex, and at the same time necessary, needs in companies. If you need advice in relation to public administration and regulated sectors, contact our lawyers.
- Septiembre 2020 - Nuevo Mecanismo de Financiación a Proyectos de Energías Renovables

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