Preventive measures for corporate/tax matters (click to open)
Incorporation and consolidation
- Incorporation of a company type most adequate to the start-up’s interest Protocols for company operation and for the distribution of shares.
- Preparation, review and adaptation of the draft Shareholders’ Agreement Corporate Bylaws.
- Due diligence of the entrepreneur’s personal situation for the Start-up’s responsibility and obligation scheme.
- Remuneration scheme for directors and shareholders.
Expansion and growth
- Round of funding and entrance of investing partners in the Start-up
- Corporate planning and restructuring (mergers and acquisitions)
- Purchase and sale of assets and shares, funding, creation of guarantees and due diligence processes.
- Granting shares.
- Capital increases.
- Investors relations policy
- Support and advice in funding systems via venture capital, accelerators or incubators; Support and assistance in crowdfunding platforms.
Preventive measures for contractual matters
- Contractual advice, preparation and review of commercial contracts (partnership, loans, commission/mediation)
- Outsourcing and leasing contracts
- Preparation and drafting of any necessary agreements to provide the business model with the adequate legal security from the technological point of view (website, software development, service provision, NDA).
Preventive measures for labor matters
- Analysis of the most beneficial labor relation for the entrepreneur
- Adaptation to the most adequate type of contract
- Compliance with Social Security obligations of entrepreneurs, employees and providers.
- Variable remuneration policies (linked to success)
- Analysis of the impact of employment contracts vs outsourcing
- Mechanisms to protect the start-up’s know-how
- Post-contractual non-compete and exclusivity clauses
- IT Tools Use Policies
- Limits to the employment of close friends and family members; Legal assistance and defense of the start-up’s interests in the event of dismissal and disciplinary action
Technological measures (Digital Compliance)
- Competitive digital business legal design
- Adequacy consulting and compliance audit on privacy and digital services
- Preparation of General Conditions for Use and Contracting
- Legal protection of technological assets, platforms or software on which the business model is based
- Legal protection for trademarks, industrial designs, utility models and patentability of innovation when appropriate.

Mechanisms for the protection and the business viability of the start-up; agreement between founding partners and with investor-partners
Preparation and review of any documents and legal assistance for the rounds of funding with incubators, business angels y venture capital, etc.
National protection within the scope of the intellectual property of engines, structures, design, presentation, data bases, software and content, and of industrial property with regard to the patentability of innovations; international protection thanks to patents on IT creations.
Legal prevention and coverage for backdoor employment, whether as a service lease contract (outsourcing) or other.
Adaptation, recommendation and implementation of a compliance policy with regard to the management of confidential information (ISO 27001) and legal support for privacy-related matters.
Legal advice on the new Law 5/2015 fostering business funding.
Application of legal criteria to protect and preserve the new company’s reputation and strategic and business viability.
Recommendations regarding security factors for the adequate implementation of the virtual model.
Formalization and protection of data bases created for business development purposes to comply with current regulations
Limit the degree of exposure and property/personal liability of the entrepreneur with the start-up.
Payroll, social security, submission of Personal Income Tax and VAT returns, corporate bookkeeping and preparation of annual financial statements, among others.
Contact us
At Ceca Magán Abogados we know ideas make the world go round, but we are also aware that a start-up often has to bear cash flow problems too. We aim to have a role beyond the strategic partner: we want to be with you all the way until your dream comes true. If you believe in your business vision, give us a call. Your success is our success.