Alternative to the termination of contracts: cost savings

Factor Humano magazine publishes an article by Enrique Ceca and Blanca Liñán, partners in the area, on alternative measures to the termination of contracts, such as a personnel cost saving plan.

Our labor lawyers detail some alternatives to avoid and comment that: "we have been able to appreciate, in the framework of a review and audit of alternative measures to the termination of contracts that occur in organizations, the possibility of implementing actions of low impact and even positive impact with interference in the saving of personnel costs".

Both professionals highlight some of these measures related to: "Adaptation in contractual and working time matters; reduction of ordinary costs; revision of management systems; or redefinition of remuneration systems".

Above all, they recommend personalized advice before making any decision and "when implementing this type of policy, since, in addition to the need for an analysis of the type that best suits your company, it can have a great impact".

If you would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact our office by calling 91.345.48.25 or sending an email to