One more year our lawyers are recognized as Best Lawyers 2023 in the ranking published by Iberian Lawyers, as echoed today by the media.
In this edition there are 29 lawyers who stand out in their corresponding areas as Best Lawyers 2023. The list is made up of partners Esteban Ceca Gómez-Arevalillo, Enrique Ceca Gómez-Arevalillo, Javier Lucas Nieto, Ramón Mesonero-Romanos Fernández, Alejandro Alonso Dregi, María José Rovira, Àlex Santacana, Ana Gómez, Santiago Torent, Jesús Carrasco, Rocío Gil, Nicolás de Salas, Javier Fernández Cuenca, Patricia Rosell, Alberto Novoa, Rafael Vallet, Paula Gámez, José Carlos González, Javier Fernández Espadas, Ignacio Gordillo, Luis Pérez Juste, José María Patrana; the directors Laura Guillén, José Ramón Lora, María Hidalgo, Albert Toledo and José María Ciruelos.
As a prominent lawyer in the One to watch category, the Best Lawyers ranking mentions Rut Villalonga from the labor area.
Congratulations to all the lawyers for this well-deserved recognition, which rewards the great work and effort that prevail at #EstiloCeca.
If you would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact our office by calling 91.345.48.25 or sending an email to info@cecamagan.com