Lidia Calatayud Higueras

Lidia Calatayud, labor lawyer in CECA MAGÁN Abogados Lidia Calatayud Higueras Labor Law and Social Security Area Manager

Employment lawyer with more than six years of experience in advising medium and large companies on hiring, extinctions, disciplinary procedures, corporate restructuring measures, collective bargaining, as well as support in the development and implementation of all types of corporate policies, and legal direction of administrative and judicial proceedings in the employment and social security areas.

Areas of expertise


  • Employment litigation
  • Collective bargaining
  • Equality plans
  • Social security
  • Restructuring of employees


Years of experience

  • Over 5 years

Teaching Experience

  • Professor of Employment and Social Security Law at the European University of Madrid

Academic Education

  • University of Zaragoza - Law
  • Rey Juan Carlos University - Double master's degree in law and economic criminal law
  • CEF - Master's degree in labor law and social security consulting


  • Spanish
  • French


  • Travelling