Lawyer specialized in labor and social security law. Extensive experience in the field of labor counseling, both in the procedural field, as well as in consulting tasks such as the preparation of reports or drafting of contracts and clauses. In-depth experience in the field of work accidents, both in the defense of companies and insurance companies: surcharge of benefits, voluntary improvements, claims for damages and penalties.
Areas of expertise
- Labor litigation
- Preparation of reports
- Workplace accidents
- Administrative sanctions
- International travel
Years of experience
- Over 15 years
Teaching Experience
- Professor of the Màster Universitari de l'Advocacia at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- Adjunct Associate Professor of the Double Master's Degree in Law at ESADE Business & Law School (Universitat Ramón Llull)
- Professor of Labor Law in the ADE Degree at Fundació Universitària del Bages (Universitat de Vic/Universitat Central de Catalunya)
Academic Education
- Barcelona University – Law degree
- Barcelona University – Doctoral
- Barcelona University – Labor relations
- Universidad Europea de Madrid – Postgraduate in International Travel
- Spanish
- Catalan
- English
- German
- Reading